Inilah salah satu pemenang dari 12 profil hasil seleksi The Faces of Asia dari Just Me Asia 2022
Usia: 19. tahun.
Tinggi: 170 cm
Berat Badan: 50 kg
Hobi: Main piano, nonton anime, baca manga
Best Memory with Man:
I once told him that whenever I study, I would always play classical music since it helps me focus and clears my mind. Sometime around the next week, he sent me a demo of his own instrumental piece and said, “I remembered that u like to listen to instrumental music while studying, so I made this piano piece hahaha”. And I still listen to it to this very day.
Menurut saya Pria Sensual itu:
I think a sensual man is someone who’s in touch with emotional intimacy.
Foto: Frans