The Faces of Asia 2022: Dara Vargas

Inilah salah satu pemenang dari 12 profil hasil seleksi The Faces of Asia dari Just Me Asia

Panggilan: Dara / Rara

Usia: 25 Tahun

Tinggi: 167 cm

Berat Badan: 48kg

Hobby: Traveling and Make Up

Best Memory with Man:

2017, I just broke up with my ex-bf and went to club with my 2 girl friends. At that time, I thought he was interested in my white cute friend, not me. But then suddenly he came to me and he said “Girl i like your tan skin”. It was a little bit cringe for me because that was the first compliment I got from a local Javanese guy ( since I know their stereotype, I’m just not fit in their beauty standard ). I was wrong about it, I’m beautiful just the way I am and I’m beautiful in the eyes of the right person so F beauty standard and define your own!

Because of his first cringe action to get my intention, we made it till now hehe. hehe. So Roni if you read this I love you! Thank you for always making me feel beautiful and powerful. I’m blessed to have someone as amazing as you in my life.

Menurut saya Pria Sensual itu:

A sensual man understands that to love is to be present with love. He is a man who is in touch with his masculinity yet cherishes and fully respects the sacred gifts discovered in his woman’s femininity.

Foto: Kama photography team